Mallory Wanless
Young & New Adult Fantasy Author

Wife. Mom. Booknerd.
I have always been a massive bookworm. Books are my outlet when the world is overwhelming or too busy. Since having my kids, I've used books and stories to escape from the day-to-day of stay-at-home parenting.
I started writing my debut novel, Storm and Flame, in 2018. It is a mix of Ash Princess by Laura Sebastian, Cruel Prince by Holly Black, and The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman, with a dash of Legend and Tella's banter from Legendary by Stephanie Garber, and a sprinkling of made-up words in a magical story that I thoroughly enjoy diving into. I'm hopeful that my future readers will love this story as much as I do.
Between raising very young kids, balancing homeschooling, and navigating a pandemic, it took 3.5 years to complete the first draft.
Thanks to my incredibly supportive husband, Storm and Flame finally made its debut in the world on Sept 22, 2022.
Blood and Destiny—the sequel to Storm and Flame—was published on December 21, 2022.
Reign and Ruin was published on March 20, 2023. It is the final book in the Storm and Flame trilogy, but not the last book I'll write in this world. As it stands, I've already started writing 3 more books in this world... There are just so many stories to tell!